Friday, May 18, 2007

The official first game!

Last night we had our second t-ball game but officially it was the first one. The kids got their shirts and hats and were so excited. In fact Joshua is wearing the team shirt again today, good thing I got it washed last night! He said "it's just comfy". As you can see from the picture of Bob with the kids, Joshua was pretty pumped. He decided that he was going "high socks" last night and pulled his socks out and over his pants. It was too cute.
Oh and we are so proud, he was playing first and the ball was hit and another kid fielded the ball and threw it to Joshua and he actually caught it and got the out! He's so talented!!!

Joshua is playing first and Abigail is on the grass near second. Notice they are both in "ready position"!

This picture is so perfect...There's Abigail (#6) with her hip cocked, snapping her finger. Probably telling the batter to hurry up. Joshua (#4) is waiting for the ball to be hit so he can run out and get it.

I just love this picture and I'm not sure why...maybe it reminds me of his daddy. :)


Peggy said...

Joshua inherited the baseball gene, no doubt about it! We loved the pictures :-)

*love2scrap* said...

great photos and of course you like that last one - it's perfect!