Just a few things have happened in recent days...I never blogged a happy 30th birthday to my dear husband, sorry Babe! There were kiddo baseball games on his birthday so we got his favorite Little Caesar's Pizza for dinner and the kids and I whipped up a chocolate cake with M&M's on top for dessert. A few days later we got to go on a date which was nice. It seems like we have lots to talk about these days...mostly about what's going to happen in the next year. So much to figure out! So over all I think it was a good birthday for my guy, but I guess it wasn't a very grandeous as far as 30th birthday celebrations go.
My new mantra for the grocery store is "convienience foods." It is all about what I can make fast, or what can be in the crock pot all day long. I have gotten good at browning ground beef as soon as I get home from the grocery store so that it will be ready to go on the night I need it. It makes Hamburger Helper EVEN FASTER when you have the meat already browned. And tacos are a cinch if the meat is cooked and taco season already added. Just heat and eat. Yes...heat and eat is a good way to describe our eating habits as of late.
So last Monday (Labor Day) Bob was downloading something from the net and we got a virus message (a worm to be exact). YIKES. We were both frantic at first...worried that we would lose everything on our hard drive, including our pictures! We just found out that my parents lost everything when their computer just died and we were telling ourselves that we should back up our pictures....but we didn't. Thankfully Bob knew enough to disconnect the internet right away and was able to get our files, including our pictures, off the computer and saved on the laptop. WHEW! After that he had to wipe everything off the computer and restore the computer. He ended up doing that a few times and there were some bumps along the way, internet not working and such. So anyway, that's why I haven't been blogging and emailing and such this past week...it's been on the fritz. That is also why this post has no pictures, I'm still not on our home computer.
So after all that maybe you need something to bring the smile back to your face. :)
The kids have been cracking us up lately just saying totally funny stuff...
Since college football has started again, Bob has been teaching the kids his favorite saying concerning Ohio State: "Oh how I hate Ohio State." So Josiah keeps talking about Ohio State but he calls it "Ohio Steak" instead, which makes us all laugh. As Bob says, "Stick a fork in them!"
Abigail really had me cracking up when we were talking about the Tigers playing the Minnesota Twins. Abigail said, "What is Minnesota?" and I said, "It's a state." And she said, "Oh, I thought it was a kind of pop..." And I thought that was so clever. Do you get it? Minne - soda. That is so hilarious!!!
Okay there was another funny thing that one of the kids said but now I can't think of it. Ah well, if I remember I'll get back to you. :)
On the baseball front things are going okay. We decided to pull Abigail off the softball team. She was playing with 12 year olds and it was just too much...on top of the fact that we were just over-committed and she wasn't really enjoying it all that much so it was the obvious thing to cut. Joshua is doing great. When I'm able to get back on our home computer I'll put up some pictures of him. Chloe's schedule is relaxed with only one game a week so that hasn't been too stressful.
Oh and I just remembered that I told you about Joshua scratching his eye again. We had a follow up eye exam and found out that he does have 2 scratches on his cornea, which is the bad news. But the good news is that at this point it is not affecting his vision. The doctor also discovered subtle RPE mottling of macula OU. I'm not actually sure what this is and I've tried looking it up with not much success. Anyone out there know what this means???
And now look at the time. I have to go to bed in 15 minutes so I can get up at 5 am. CRAZY. And that's not even so I can go for a run...running has gone by the wayside since school started. But at least my crazy schedule keeps me too busy to eat too much and I'm actually maintaining a lower weight with working than I was with running. Who knew!